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Tras la presentación de la Campaña Diputado de Distrito el pasado 5 de febrero de 2022 en el Ateneo de Madrid, desde Demos os invitamos a seguir conociendo más sobre este proyecto modernizador de nuestro sistema electoral.


En esta ocasión continuaremos exponiendo la actualidad de nuestros estudios y propuestas en Barcelona, el próximo 11 de junio en el hotel Porta Fira (Plaza Europa, 45 08908 Hospitalet de Llobregat). El evento comenzará a partir de las 11:00 AM y el aforo es de 150 personas, por lo que os recomendamos confirmar la asistencia de ser posible.


Para que los diputados no dependan de su partido más que de los ciudadanos que los han elegido, y para que puedan ser una solución a sus problemas en lugar de una causa, necesitamos el Diputado de Distrito ya. Ven y únete para lograrlo.


¡Te esperamos!

From Demos we have decided to launch a campaign at the national level so that all Spanish society knows the democratic alternative. Alternative against corruption, mismanagement and incompetence of our rulers. If it works as we expect, this campaign would be the decisive starting point for subsequent mobilization campaigns in demonstrations and public events.

Division of Spain by districts:

The association "Political INNOVATION Platform DEMOS", has launched its study of District Deputy. Jesús Murciego and José Papí discover Where is Your DISTRICT Click on the map and look for yours. Nobody in Spain has done this before. Demos dares everything!

The second part of the study of the District Deputy carried out by the political innovation platform Demos, refers to the legal modifications that should be made in Spain in order to include the District Deputy in its system. This part of the study has been carried out by jurists Mr. Jose Luis Escobar and Mr. Marcos Peña

Pedro Gallego has reviewed the electoral results of Spain from the Transition to the present to see how the parliamentary arches would have been with a District Deputy system

How would Spain have been since 1977 if we had had a District Deputy?

Legal part of the District Deputy:

Diputado de Distrito:

Society has to know the possibility that we can control a deputy, a representative of part of the population for politics. For them, it must have the electoral power over it, that is why the direct election is necessary and by majority to make that decision. We must assume the responsibility of controlling politicians and forgetting that they are political parties that do and undo at will. It is not yet a right that we have, and many people may not want that responsibility, but a large majority of Spaniards will know how to accept it.












As is the case in other countries, if the representative and his represented in politics are perfectly identified, there is no way to escape the problem. A deputy who knows that if he does not meet with his electorate, he will lose the election. A representative who cannot hide behind an acronym. A president who knows that electoral programs only serve in the campaign and then those represented have control over him, is a captive of his actions, with all the consequences of what an absolute majority election entails.


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